Welcome to an active lifestyle

Last week, our Welcome team organised its own Activity Week, featuring activities and events across a range of Welcome properties to encourage occupiers to be more active, both at work and home.

The timetable of sessions, specifically curated for the Welcome properties and their occupiers, ran at Welcome-managed properties including Aldgate House, Queensbury House, Six Mitre Passage, 10 Fleet Place, 40 Portman Square, 80 Cheapside, 100 New Oxford Street, and 1 Dean Street, where employees were invited to embrace all that a healthy and active lifestyle has to offer.

When it comes to wellbeing, at Workman we believe that healthy habits underpin positivity and productivity in the workplace. As such, we are keen to share ways to help people embrace fit and healthy lifestyles within occupiers across our managed portfolio.

Welcome’s Activity Week gave teams and communities the chance to come together and take part in fun events – all focused on making active choices that deliver a healthy future. The week featured:

🎯🤸‍♂️💪Exercise workshops from Outrivals GymMYPT StudioNuffieldGym BoxRevolution PT StudiosThird Space Personal Trainers and Fitness First,

🤸‍♂️🧘‍♀️💪Yoga classes from expert teacher Rossella Forastiero and the Lotus School of Yoga,

⚽🏀⛳Sports including putting golf, football and basketball shoot-outs,

💆‍♀️💆‍♂️👩‍💻Posture health-checks from Optimal Spine, chai massage,

🥝🍉🍒Nutrition pop-ups from ZookiThe Shoegaze VeganMr Tinto and Juice Da Cruz.

🌼🌷🌳Mental health and wellbeing will also be addressed with breathing exercise sessions, and health checks from the Asian Resource Centre.

Want to know more? 

Read about our Building Wellbeing services here > https://bit.ly/3leZ0c2

Read about our Building Communityservices here >https://bit.ly/3RL0jNV

When it comes to wellbeing, at Workman we believe that healthy habits underpin positivity and productivity in the workplace. As such, we are keen to share ways to help people embrace fit and healthy lifestyles within occupiers across our managed portfolio.

Next week, our Welcome team will run its own Activity Week, featuring activities and events for various properties – taking place both online and onsite – to offer tips and tools on how to be more active, both at work and at home.

The timetable of sessions, specifically curated for the Welcome properties and their occupiers, will give teams and communities the chance to come together and take part in fun events – all focused on making active choices that deliver a healthy future.

Welcome’s Activity Week will feature:

💥Exercise workshops from Outrivals Gym, MYPT Studio, Nuffield, Gym Box, Revolution PT Studios, Third Space Personal Trainers and Fitness First,

💥Yoga classes from expert teacher Rossella Forastiero and the Lotus School of Yoga,

💥Sports including putting golf, football and basketball shoot-outs,

💥Posture health-checks from Optimal Spine, chai massage,

💥Nutrition pop-ups from Zooki, The Shoegaze Vegan, Mr Tinto and Juice Da Cruz.

💥Mental health and wellbeing will also be addressed with breathing exercise sessions, and health checks from the Asian Resource Centre.

At Workman, we’re doing all we can to help our occupiers and their staff enjoy their workplace in healthy and active ways. Employees at Welcome-managed properties including Aldgate House, Queensbury House, Six Mitre Passage, 10 Fleet Place, 40 Portman Square, 80 Cheapside, 100 New Oxford Street, and 1 Dean Street are invited to attend next week’s events, and embrace all that a healthy and active lifestyle has to offer.

Presenting the programme, Monika Newton, Partner within the Welcome team, said:

“As occupiers and their employees make the office a regular part of their lives once again, we want to demonstrate how important health and wellbeing is and what a difference these activities can make to their enjoyment of their working environment. Our management and site teams have worked hard to create this exciting week, which showcases what’s available throughout the year. We hope all our occupiers take the opportunity to enjoy what’s on offer.”

Follow @welcomeoffices and Welcome – Workman Offices (@welcomeoffices) • Instagram photos and videos throughout the week to see what’s going on.

Want to know more? 

Read about our Building Wellbeing services here > https://bit.ly/3leZ0c2

Read about our Building Community services here >https://bit.ly/3RL0jNV

There has been a healthy return to the Workman portfolio of Welcome-managed properties.

Across the Welcome portfolio we recorded an increase in attendance of occupier staff of 20% during the Welcome Wellbeing Week (13-17 Sept) compared to the preceding week, with a couple of properties recording increases as high as 40%.

To ensure our occupiers and their employees got the best out of what may have been their first days back at the office, the Welcome team had organised a Wellbeing Week.

A range of popular activities, as diverse as puppy training, smoothie bikes, florist classes, and history walks, as well as running clubs, free fruit handouts, and meditation sessions, were organised by the Welcome team.

The timetable of sessions, which was specifically curated for 13 different properties and their occupiers, gave teams and communities that have not been able to meet face-to-face for the past 18 months, the chance to come together and take part in fun events.

At Workman, we’re doing all we can to help our occupiers and their staff return to and enjoy their workplace. Even for a few days each week, it is a positive opportunity to reconnect with colleagues, enjoy being part of a workplace community, and take advantage of benefits they’ve been missing out on due to the pandemic.

Want to know more? 

Read more about our ESG services

Read more about our Building Wellbeing services here > https://bit.ly/3leZ0c2

Earlier this month, our Welcome offices team got together to tour some of their London offices.

Visiting buildings such as 10 Fleet Place, Aldgate House and Premier Place, it was a great opportunity to come together in person, review COVID-safe measures across the portfolio, catch up with onsite teams and get some exercise along the way.

Although government guidance on returning to the workplace has since changed, keeping our buildings safe, welcoming and fully operational remains as important as ever. 

Want to know more? 

Read about our ESG services

Read about our Building Wellbeing services here > https://bit.ly/3leZ0c2

Read about our Building Biodiversity services here > https://bit.ly/2SY8JrN

Find out about our Net Zero Asset Plans  here: https://bit.ly/2QAin2x

As part of our approach to the health and wellbeing of our occupiers, the Welcome team are working with Cycling Score to improve cycling facilities across the portfolio. Cycling Score certification is the new accreditation designed to assess the quality of cycling facilities offered at buildings. Certification is now either complete or underway at 10 Welcome buildings comprising over two million square feet.

Cycling Score’s mission is to see standards improve for occupiers who choose more active lifestyles, by recognising  assets with ‘best in class provision’. The Cycling Score Certification process begins with an assessment of a building and demonstrates how exactly to raise the standard of facilities and services within a building, creating a happier, healthier workplace for occupiers. It can also be used in the planning process for new developments.

Over 100 buildings in the UK have already adopted Cycling Score Certification as landlords and developers begin to recognise the business case for ‘best in class’ facilities and services for occupiers. Cycling Score benchmarks against BREEAM, LEED and also each asset’s local borough planning guidance. They are also the global advisors to WELL Certification.

The Cycling Score “BUG” programme is being rolled out across the Welcome assets as a key wellbeing initiative during 2019


In addition to the initial certification, Cycling Score also facilitates a programme of occupier engagement services which perfectly complement the Welcome approach. Their new platform called the Cycling Score BUG (Bicycle User Group) enables cyclists to set up teams, compete against others in the building and even compete against buildings all over the globe. The Cycling Score BUG programme is being rolled out across the Welcome assets as a key health and wellbeing initiative during 2019, as part of our overall approach to delivering an enhanced level of occupier experience within our assets and we look forward to seeing the results.