Promoting and enabling occupier health and wellbeing is at the heart of the Welcome property management service, being a key requirement in providing the quality of environment and user experience that occupiers now demand.
As a result, we routinely run a wide programme of wellbeing initiatives across our portfolio throughout the year, tailored to each property and the preferences of our occupiers and staff.
To celebrate and promote the benefits of these activities and some of the great organisations we partner with to deliver them, we are running a concentrated week-long programme of events across the Welcome portfolio.
Welcome Wellbeing Week – 23rd-27th September 2019
The Welcome Wellbeing Week will run from 23rd to 27th September across 11 assets in London, South-East and Manchester. The timetable of activities have been specifically curated for each property and it’s occupiers and range from;
- health and fitness activities such as yoga, running clubs and fitness classes
- expert treatments and advice such as health checks, physiotherapy, massage, osteopathy and beauty treatments
- nutritional offers, freebies, pop-ups and workshops
- mindfulness activities such as meditation sessions and seminars
- social activities to promote the occupier community including a virtual reality games night and bar games for occupiers.
Previewing the week-long programme, Monika Newton, Senior Associate within the Welcome team said:
We know from our occupiers how important health & wellbeing is to their staff and what a difference these activities can make to their enjoyment of their working environment. Our management and site teams have worked hard to create this exciting week to showcase what’s available throughout the year, and hope all our occupiers enjoy what’s on offer
Follow @welcomeoffices throughout the week to see what’s going on.